Funded Research

Name Lead Organization Organization Type Excerpt
Supporting Effective, Community-Informed Food Security Screening Protocols in NJ Health centers NJ Food Democracy Collaborative Household food insecurity (FI) presents unique challenges for low-income parents and other guardians of children (hereafter, parental caregivers). Recent years have seen increased attention to the role that hospitals, including federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), can play in screening for FI, as well as connecting families to food security-related resources. However, low-income parental caregivers may […]
The Association between Age and Breast Cancer- Are Young Women in New Jersey at Risk? Rutgers University - School of Nursing Each year in New Jersey approximately 7000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer (BC) and more than 1000 women die from the disease, making it the second greatest cause of cancer mortality for women in the 1 state, after lung cancer. Low-income and uninsured women have a significantly greater risk of late stage diagnosis and […]
Understanding Camden’s Mental Health Needs In 2020 Camden County (County) had the highest rate of mental health (MH) distress in NJ; 18% of Black resident-respondents reported MH distress—6 percentage points higher than White resident-respondents (CCNA, 2020). However, despite higher rates of MH distress among Black county residents, White county residents were diagnosed with depression nearly 5 percentage points more than […]