Research Project Summary

People with disabilities have higher rates of obesity, diabetes, anxiety and cardiovascular risks. These can be reduced by healthier eating, stress management and physical activity. Group home residents need support in each of these areas. We have successfully created, implemented and evaluated nutrition, stress reduction/socialization and activity interventions among adults with disabilities. We learned that sustainable and effective change needs to happen throughout the organization and needs to address policy, systems, and environmental changes. It’s not enough to address behavior change among individual group homes; effective and sustainable change starts “at the top,” with all stakeholders committed to building wellness into organizational structures and systems. Bancroft serves 2,000 people with disabilities of all ages through 200 group homes, 4 schools, and several adult day programs in South Jersey. We are conducting a formative assessment of Bancroft with the long-range goal of building a culture of wellness through policy, systems, and environmental changes to support healthy behaviors among all stakeholders.

Research Project Goals

Create a replicable model through which 2 Bancroft group homes achieve environments and social supports that promote consumption of fresh produce through gardening and cooking.

Research Project Objectives

1. Provide 3 cooking classes for residents and group home staff in two group homes; train staff to provide and prepare meals using fresh produce. 2. Build and support 2 accessible and sustainable group home gardens. 3. Identify potential new policies and practices for Bancroft group homes at the system level to promote fresh food consumption among residents.